Ultra High Resolution Scanning
With many years experience in the production of high resolution images for a wide variety of local artists and publications, our workflow features quality as the primary consideration.
Working from transparencies or reflection artwork, our high end drum scanners have technical capabilities beyond those of current CCD based systems.
Transparencies or reflective originals are carefully cleaned before (and after) scanning using non abrasive materials.
The slick-mount drum system provides a cleaner, more efficient and very safe method of mounting transparencies. Originals are gripped on the inside of a vertical drum and are held in close contact by centrifugal force as the drum spins. This avoids the use of potentially damaging sprays or gels.
If you need advice or an estimate on your next print project, please give us a call on 01285 656248 or email: facsim@btconnect.com
Technical Details:
• Screen SG618 Drum scanner
• Optical resolution of 12,000 DPI
• Transparency and flat copy originals
• Up to 600 x 500 mm
• Colour correct scans in jpeg,tiff, and eps format
• Apple Mac and PC file friendly
• Ideal for fine art reproduction where colour and detail are vital
• Full retouching service available if required